So, it’s that time again. I only have anything remotely exciting to say once a year it seems—when I go somewhere different and that only happens in the summer. Clearly it’s July again!! Whether you like it or not, you will get to live vicariously through me and what I happened to see. Hope you enjoy it!!
We were up at the crack of dawn—before 5:00 am and out of the house. We were staying at Joel’s friend’s house in Buffalo. Off to the airport. Smooth sailing except for the automatic check-in. I don’t know how to do that very well. And, apparently they charge you for luggage even when they say they don’t. So, once all that’s done, we get on the plane to Newark. No problem. Now, I always wondered why, if you were flying west, you had to go east first.
So, we get to Newark, load up the plane and we wait. And then we wait. And then we wait some more. They decided to start the movie and we hadn’t even left yet. Then they decided to take us to what they call the Ballpark. Apparently some part wasn’t working right. Then we sit some more. And then they take us back to the gate. And then we wait a lit
tle longer. They decide to let us off. We wait. Then they gave us a meal voucher--$6.00. Whoop-de-friggin-do. A sandwich costs over $7.00 at the airport. And we waited. And then they wouldn’t decide if they were going to fix the plane or whether they were going to send it with lighter weight which would mean we would have to stop along the way. Then, they decided that they were going to use a plane that was coming from Florida. So we had to wait for it to get there, for the people to disembark, for it to be cleaned and refueled. But, for our trouble, they were going to provide meal service and give us a special package to reimburse us for the inconvenience. This gave us one free drink and 10% off our next flight. Brutal. When the meal service came, it was a turkey sandwich the size of a timbit, a tiny bag of pretzels, some M&Ms left over from Halloween and a fruit roll up like thing. Finally, 6 hours late, we arrived in Las Vegas.
Off to get our rental car. I didn’t know I was supposed to get cruise control when I ordered a car. But, when we went to get the c
To the Luxor!!! We parked (parking is free) and went to find the front desk. That took some doing as we traipsed all over the casino with our luggage. Finally we found the front desk and checked into our room. We are on the 4th floor. Finding the elevators around here is next to impossible. I think the person who designed the hotel also designed the tombs embedded in the real pyramid of Cheops. We have to go behind the front desk and then around a couple more corners and finally, they are there. But, the room has 2 beds, a shower, a TV and it’s quiet. You can see over the whole of the casino from just outside the door. Did you know that you can smoke in the casinos? It completely didn’t occur to me that they would let people smoke. So, by the time we got to our room, it was 7:15 Las Vegas time—or 10:15 our time. The pool closes at 8:00 so I had time to run down and jump in. It had to be about 90 degrees. But it was wet and that was nice after the day we had had.
Since timbit sized turkey sandwiches don’t take you too far, we went off on a quest for food. We didn’t find anything interesting in our hotel but we are attached to Mandalay Bay and they had a burger place in there. It was good but perhaps I shouldn’t eat a burger, sweet potato fries (which were really, really good by the way) and beer at 10:00 p.m. when my bedtime is 11:00 at ni
I was glad to get back to the room and go to bed.
My intention was to put this up on Monday when we got there, but the internet in our room doesn’t work. Alas.
No wireless. Imagine that. Now, since the building has so much concrete, I’m not surprised. But the cord that is supposed to be there, isn’t. Argh. We could get wireless all over Newfoundland but nothing here. Hmmm. Upon further reflection, it may be that they want you to pay more money for more stuff.
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