Well, what day is it? I have no idea--I mentioned I couldn't figure out what time it was, right? I think it's Sunday.
Did I tell you about the baby strawberries? They were at the lighthouse. Wild little wee strawberries the size of your fingernail. They were so cute and so tasty. You could eat a whole handful in one bite. I remember somewhere that bears like berries. I should think they wouldn't given the return on the labour investment. I mean, how many wee strawberries would a bear need to fill up his tummy? No wonder they get cranky.
So, last night I went to the grocery store and got some pasta and spaghetti sauce and we had a nice, cheap, home-cooked supper. We had cable TV and watched a little and I was really tired and went to bed early. We had a bit of a lie in this morning. Even Joel wasn't up before me and I got up at about 9:00. The weather was gray and it wasn't raining. We had breakfast and loaded up the car and were on the road by 10:30 or 11:00 after a search for coffee. There seems to be a lot of searches for coffee. We are always successful, eventually.
We were talking about what our plans for today were. Joel really wanted to do some stuff in Gros Morne. If we were to go to L'Anse Aux Meadows, it would be about a 4 hour drive up and we wouldn't be able to do a whole lot in the park. So, we decided we would putter about in the park for a while and then head east. We wouldn't go to L'Anse Aux Meadows. We were a little disappointed but couldn't bear that much driving looking at NOTHING. Did I mention there was a whole lot of NOTHING out here? No wonder they invented screech!
We decided we would do a couple of little hiking paths. Joel would have wanted to go to the top of Gros Morne but that was a 6-8 hour hike. If I went it would have been a 16-20 hour hike. Who's kidding who. There is no way I would have gone. I don't get the "I have to climb it 'cause it's there" crap. I am only climbing something if it's on fire and the only way out is through the top.
So we pulled off the main highway onto a road that would take us to the place where we could find pitcher plants (the flower that is on all the Newfoundland propaganda) The girl in the restaurant told us where to find them and I am sure she said Berry Hill Pond. So we were going to find that.
This is where the great Moose myth gets smashed. We are driving down the road and Joel says, "Hey, there's a moose". Since I was looking at the map at the time, I said, "where". He says "DUH"--right in front of us. Lo and behold, there he is coming out of the brush (did I mention there were trees in Nwfld?) and onto the road. HOLY CRAP. I am scrambling for my camera. A little worried that he might take it upon himself to charge the car. How am I going to explain hoofprints in the sunroof to my mom?? But no, he just wanted to snack on the trees on the other side of the road. They are like giraffes with short necks. Just snackin' on the trees. So we are taking pictures and watching him and he begins to move up the road so we follow. Around the bend there is his buddy. Also having a late breakfast. I named them Bo and Luke Moose. It has a bit of a ring to it, don't ya think? A guy came up behind us and said they were the biggest ones he had seen in a long time. I don't think they were fully grown. Both of them were males, I would say late teen, college age males. We followed them along and off they went into the brush again. Maybe looking for baby strawberries?? But, it was really cool.

Then we got to the parking lot and decided to take the Berry Hill path. The girl had said something about a boardwalk but she did speak really quickly and with an accent so I only got about half. Off we went. I am hiking with my coffee and my camera. Little did I know it was going to go straight up. Now, there is really something to be said for the flat land. I am a fan.
There was a trail with about 150000 steps in it to get to the top. I am not in shape for vertical. Joel was very patient and didn't mock me even once, though I could tell he was a little miffed.
We got to the top, took some pictures and then could see the boardwalk we were supposed to go on down on the other side of the parking lot.
Back down we went. Down is harder than up. At least on my knees. But, I had finished my coffee so at least I had free hands!!
We crossed the parking lot and went along the boardwalk path. We found pitcher plants--they are insectivorous, you know. And they had flowers. They don't really look like they do on the NFLD logo but, oh well. We saw moose prints, moose poo (I think it was moose poo--coulda been deer poo but...), went partway down the trail, cursed the really stupid people who threw their cigarette butts into the bog. Who does that? I mean really, people...
Then we got back into the car and drove up the coast a bit. Not really what I was expecting. Far more desolate than I thought it would be. Not a lot of poeple, only a little bit of fishing. We got to this place where you could hike in and take a boat cruise on an inland fjord. I thought fjords connected to the sea, but apparently I was wrong. Lots of people were in the parking lot. We didn't take the cruise but got some good pictures of some glacier stuff.
We now turned around and headed back towards where we had come. Had to stop for coffee first.
I heard someone say "Bye" for the first time today!! And I mean "bye" as in "Have ya got enough coffee der, bye". I guess there is some truth in the stereotype.
We thought we would head towards Grand Falls-Windsor and stay there overnight and then go to Twillingate up at the top (apparently there are icebergs) tomorrow. Once we got to Grand Falls-Windsor, Joel realized that if he had to spend 6 hours there before he went to bed, he would poke himself in the eye with a stick. So we kept going.
As a matter of fact, we made it all the way to Twillingate. Still a whole lot of nothing until we got close to here. It's a fishing town and fairly big. We found a motel and we have another thingy with a kitchenette and 2 bedrooms this time. We had dinner in the restaurant in the hotel--Joel had halibut (it was yummy) and I had garlic shrimp. I mean when in Rome (or Twillingate)... There isn't much point in eating beef if they don't have any for 1000 miles.
I am using the internet in the hotel lobby. They seem to have a fair bit of internet but I haven't had cell reception since Nova Scotia. We'll have it again in St. John's.
So, tomorrow, I think Joel has found some more hiking trails. And guess what, yep, they go up. Why isn't anything on the flat land???
Maybe we'll go on a whale watching thing. I think we can find lots to take picture of around here. Then, off to gander at gander. Ha ha. I slay me.
As you were. I am going to bed now since it's now 8:30 at home, 10:00 in Newfoundland.
Did I tell you about the baby strawberries? They were at the lighthouse. Wild little wee strawberries the size of your fingernail. They were so cute and so tasty. You could eat a whole handful in one bite. I remember somewhere that bears like berries. I should think they wouldn't given the return on the labour investment. I mean, how many wee strawberries would a bear need to fill up his tummy? No wonder they get cranky.
So, last night I went to the grocery store and got some pasta and spaghetti sauce and we had a nice, cheap, home-cooked supper. We had cable TV and watched a little and I was really tired and went to bed early. We had a bit of a lie in this morning. Even Joel wasn't up before me and I got up at about 9:00. The weather was gray and it wasn't raining. We had breakfast and loaded up the car and were on the road by 10:30 or 11:00 after a search for coffee. There seems to be a lot of searches for coffee. We are always successful, eventually.
We were talking about what our plans for today were. Joel really wanted to do some stuff in Gros Morne. If we were to go to L'Anse Aux Meadows, it would be about a 4 hour drive up and we wouldn't be able to do a whole lot in the park. So, we decided we would putter about in the park for a while and then head east. We wouldn't go to L'Anse Aux Meadows. We were a little disappointed but couldn't bear that much driving looking at NOTHING. Did I mention there was a whole lot of NOTHING out here? No wonder they invented screech!
We decided we would do a couple of little hiking paths. Joel would have wanted to go to the top of Gros Morne but that was a 6-8 hour hike. If I went it would have been a 16-20 hour hike. Who's kidding who. There is no way I would have gone. I don't get the "I have to climb it 'cause it's there" crap. I am only climbing something if it's on fire and the only way out is through the top.
So we pulled off the main highway onto a road that would take us to the place where we could find pitcher plants (the flower that is on all the Newfoundland propaganda) The girl in the restaurant told us where to find them and I am sure she said Berry Hill Pond. So we were going to find that.
This is where the great Moose myth gets smashed. We are driving down the road and Joel says, "Hey, there's a moose". Since I was looking at the map at the time, I said, "where". He says "DUH"--right in front of us. Lo and behold, there he is coming out of the brush (did I mention there were trees in Nwfld?) and onto the road. HOLY CRAP. I am scrambling for my camera. A little worried that he might take it upon himself to charge the car. How am I going to explain hoofprints in the sunroof to my mom?? But no, he just wanted to snack on the trees on the other side of the road. They are like giraffes with short necks. Just snackin' on the trees. So we are taking pictures and watching him and he begins to move up the road so we follow. Around the bend there is his buddy. Also having a late breakfast. I named them Bo and Luke Moose. It has a bit of a ring to it, don't ya think? A guy came up behind us and said they were the biggest ones he had seen in a long time. I don't think they were fully grown. Both of them were males, I would say late teen, college age males. We followed them along and off they went into the brush again. Maybe looking for baby strawberries?? But, it was really cool.

Then we got to the parking lot and decided to take the Berry Hill path. The girl had said something about a boardwalk but she did speak really quickly and with an accent so I only got about half. Off we went. I am hiking with my coffee and my camera. Little did I know it was going to go straight up. Now, there is really something to be said for the flat land. I am a fan.
There was a trail with about 150000 steps in it to get to the top. I am not in shape for vertical. Joel was very patient and didn't mock me even once, though I could tell he was a little miffed.
We got to the top, took some pictures and then could see the boardwalk we were supposed to go on down on the other side of the parking lot.
Back down we went. Down is harder than up. At least on my knees. But, I had finished my coffee so at least I had free hands!!
We crossed the parking lot and went along the boardwalk path. We found pitcher plants--they are insectivorous, you know. And they had flowers. They don't really look like they do on the NFLD logo but, oh well. We saw moose prints, moose poo (I think it was moose poo--coulda been deer poo but...), went partway down the trail, cursed the really stupid people who threw their cigarette butts into the bog. Who does that? I mean really, people...
Then we got back into the car and drove up the coast a bit. Not really what I was expecting. Far more desolate than I thought it would be. Not a lot of poeple, only a little bit of fishing. We got to this place where you could hike in and take a boat cruise on an inland fjord. I thought fjords connected to the sea, but apparently I was wrong. Lots of people were in the parking lot. We didn't take the cruise but got some good pictures of some glacier stuff.
We now turned around and headed back towards where we had come. Had to stop for coffee first.
I heard someone say "Bye" for the first time today!! And I mean "bye" as in "Have ya got enough coffee der, bye". I guess there is some truth in the stereotype.
We thought we would head towards Grand Falls-Windsor and stay there overnight and then go to Twillingate up at the top (apparently there are icebergs) tomorrow. Once we got to Grand Falls-Windsor, Joel realized that if he had to spend 6 hours there before he went to bed, he would poke himself in the eye with a stick. So we kept going.
As a matter of fact, we made it all the way to Twillingate. Still a whole lot of nothing until we got close to here. It's a fishing town and fairly big. We found a motel and we have another thingy with a kitchenette and 2 bedrooms this time. We had dinner in the restaurant in the hotel--Joel had halibut (it was yummy) and I had garlic shrimp. I mean when in Rome (or Twillingate)... There isn't much point in eating beef if they don't have any for 1000 miles.
I am using the internet in the hotel lobby. They seem to have a fair bit of internet but I haven't had cell reception since Nova Scotia. We'll have it again in St. John's.
So, tomorrow, I think Joel has found some more hiking trails. And guess what, yep, they go up. Why isn't anything on the flat land???
Maybe we'll go on a whale watching thing. I think we can find lots to take picture of around here. Then, off to gander at gander. Ha ha. I slay me.
As you were. I am going to bed now since it's now 8:30 at home, 10:00 in Newfoundland.
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